
The magical beauty of sight and sound with its smells and fleeing moments has always intrigued us just like a rainbow in the sky.When we were introduced to the world of lenses we were exited and fascinated with the treasures of photography .The click and the catch and the emotions along with it frozen for ever in a timeless beauty of art has taken us in the far away places among peoples and nature . Here we share with you some of our experiences.

Somnath Chatterjee

I started as a serious photo-enthusiast and took photography as my profession after my graduation. I reside in Kolkata, India. I love to work on people, travel, and landscapes. I also love to trek whenever I find time from my busy schedule. More than 100 of my photographs were awarded by leading photographic societies in India and abroad e.g. Photographic Society of America, India International Photographic Council Federation of Indian Photography, Photographic Society of India to name a few. I got the opportunity to exhibit my photography works in many cities of India including Jahangir Art Gallery, Mumbai. My works were also published in Lonely Planet, the leading international travel photography Magazine.